PAC January 2019 Meeting

The January PAC meeting is coming up on Monday. Here is the agenda.

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, January 28, 2019
6:30 p.m.
441 4th St NW, Room 1117

1. Introductions

2. Public comment

3. MPD report

4. District budget process briefing
• Report on Council budget process by Tony Goodman, Chief of Staff, Councilmember Grosso
• Report on DDOT budget process by Paul Revez of DDOT Resource Allocation Division
• Questions from PAC members
• Questions from the public

5. DDOT report

6. Discussion and possible vote of PAC position and testimony at Transportation & the Environment Committee Jan. 31 roundtable on autonomous vehicles

7. Election of PAC officers

8. PAC business
• Treasurer’s report
• Update on PAC members attendance 
• Annual performance oversight hearing 2/25/19

9. Approval of December minutes

10. Adjournment


PAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.