An MPD officer summons a pedestrian crossing the street in the middle of the 600 block of H Street NW. |
The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Traffic Safety and
Specialized Enforcement Branch continued its pedestrian safety efforts last
week, issuing 69 citations to vehicle operators or pedestrians. MPD’s focus was
primarily on violations at or near the intersection of 7th and H NW
as well as along H Street NE.
Approximately 40 citations were issued to pedestrians and 29 to vehicle
operators. In addition to issuing citations, the officers provided educational
cards, spent time ensuring that the crosswalks were not obstructed by vehicles,
and spoke to delivery truck and other drivers about the dangers posed when they
park illegally next to a crosswalk.
An MPD officer instructs a driver blocking the crosswalk at 7th and H Streets NW to move. |
In issuing citations to pedestrians, MPD’s relevant General
Order (GO-303.01, https://go.mpdconline.com/GO/GO_303_01.pdf) states that officers
should put primary emphasis on “those offenses where the pedestrian, through
violation of existing statutes, creates a danger to himself, other persons, or
the motoring public.” Of the 40 citations issued to pedestrians, the majority (29)
went to people crossing midblock between signalized intersections, which is
prohibited by DC Municipal Regulation (DCMR) 18-2304.1 (see
(“Between adjacent intersections controlled by traffic control signal devices
or by police officers, pedestrians shall not cross the roadway at any place
except in a crosswalk.”)
Most of these
citations were issued to people crossing H Street NW between 6
th and
th Streets NW or crossing 7
th Street NW between G and H
In both cases, the adjacent
intersections are signalized and enforcement took place during fairly heavy
midday traffic.
The remaining 11 pedestrian citations went to people
crossing against the “Don’t Walk” signal. Vehicle operators received 29
citations, including 15 for failure to stop and give right of way to
pedestrians. Under DC Code 50-2201.28(b) (
at a signalized intersection, vehicle drivers are required to stop and give
right of way to a pedestrian “who has begun crossing on the ‘Walk’ signal”;
DCMR 18-2302.3 (
prohibits pedestrians from beginning to cross on a “Don’t Walk” signal (“No
pedestrian shall start to cross the roadway in the direction of a "DON'T
WALK" or "WAIT" signal”).
Vehicle operators also received 14 citations for distracted driving,
seat belt, or other (e.g. driving in the 7
th Street bus lane)
MPD is planning to continue enforcement efforts this week.