D.C.'s Official Pedestrian Advisory Body

Appointed by the D.C. Council to advise the Mayor, the D.C. Council, DDOT and other agencies.

Next Meeting: July 8th, 2024

Hear from city officials, help us develop policy recommendations, and learn about our work to upgrade the city's streetscape.

Witness a crash? Pass a troubling intersection?

Click here if you would like to share your story on our blog.

Safe Streets are Everyone's Responsibility

Step up! Learn more about your rights and responsbilities here.

Need Sidewalk Repair?

DDOT aims to resolve sidewalk repair requests within 25 business days. Contact them here.

PAC June 2021 Remote Meeting

D.C. Pedestrian Advisory Council Remote Meeting
Monday, June 28, 2021
6:30 p.m.

Remote Login Instructions

Proposed Agenda

1. Introductions

2. Confirm Agenda

3. Voices from the Wards – Cheryle Adams, Ward 6

4. Unfinished Business
a. Follow-up discussion (Signal Optimization presentation)
b. Recap/discussion of June 10th Transportation Committee budget oversight hearing
c. PAC communications role
d. Other

5. New Business
a. Agency reports
b. DDOT presentation on budget proposal – Dan Emerine and Saesha Carlile

6. Administrative Topics and Next Meeting
a. Approval of May minutes
b. Treasurer’s report
c. Next meeting: July 26

7. Public Comment 

8. Adjournment


This meeting is governed by the Open Meetings Act. Please address any questions or complaints arising under this meeting to the Office of Open Government at opengovoffice@dc.gov.