PAC January 2022 Remote Meeting

DC Pedestrian Advisory Council Remote Meeting

Monday, Jan. 24, 2022
6:30 p.m.

Remote Login Instructions


1. Introductions and Approval of Draft Agenda

2. Voices from the Wards: J.I. Swiderski

3. Unfinished Business
a. Lott presentation follow up

4. New Business
a. Agency reports 
b. Agency reporting matrix
c. E. Holmes Norton Road Safety Town Hall testimony
d. PAC Performance Oversight Hearing response 
e. Pending legislation 
Walk Without Worry Amendment Act of 2021

Safe Routes to School Expansion and Regulation Amendment Act    

 5. Administrative Topics and Next Meeting

a. Approval of December minutes 
b. Treasurer's report 
c. PAC admin transition 
d. Next meeting: Feb. 28

6. Public Comment 

7. Adjournment


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